Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed! Series 1 – Episode 10: Prank Wars
In this episode of Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed!, Dennis discovers that Ralf, the janitor, is the legendary Prankmaster General!
Dennis discovers that Ralf, the janitor, is the legendary Prankmaster General and is told he could become his successor. Walter can’t let this happen and challenges him to a prank battle to win the infamous Prankypedia.
The Prankmaster General's Trivia Quiz!

Why does Walter stop the band playing?

What does Dennis say his nickname is?

According to Ralf, who else in Dennis’s family has the ‘Prank Force’?

What’s the very first prank pulled by Walter?

What does Walter get when he wins the Prankipedia?
"Zero?! Are you trying to prank me? Go back and watch it again!"
"Hmm, I think you need some schooling in the art of whoopee cushions!"
"Getting better… I'm going to check my chair for jumpers for itching powder!"
"Almost there! Keep practicing your pranking!"
"Nearly perfect! You are a dark master of the art of pranking!"

"PERFECT SCORE! You are the new Prankmaster General!"