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Beano Comic Turns 80 and Celebrates with David Walliams!

The Beano comic has been running for 80 years! To celebrate our mega birthday, we’ve got a famous friend in to help…

@dwalliams | Instagram

The Beano comic has been published weekly for a whole 80 years!

That makes it even older than very-old-person Simon Cowell. WOAH!And over the years, we’ve been introduced to so many great characters – from Dennis and Gnasher, to Minnie, Roger, The Bash Street Kids, Calamity James and loads more!That’s got to make the Beano one of the coolest 80-year-olds around, right?

For our special birthday, author and all-round ace TV guy David Walliams helped us write the comic

David Walliams even created his own character called Monkey Feet Moe – based on his own son Alfred! You can find out all about the great stuff in the comic issue here.

@dwalliams | Instagram

David Walliams said “What I always loved about the Beano was that it felt naughty…I don’t think I’d have got into writing my books without Beano.”

Yep, you heard it here first! If it wasn’t for Dennis, Minnie and pals, then we wouldn’t have Gangsta Granny, Awful Auntie, The Boy in the Dress and a whole lot more – so three cheers for the Beano!

@dwalliams | Instagram

Plus we’ve got loads more happening to celebrate our birthday too!

Everyone seems to be going bonkers for our big Beano birthday! From exclusive exhibitions at museums across the country to amazing outfits created by some of the country’s most blam-tastic fashion designers, there’s plenty of parties in store!

The official Dennis & Gnasher Fan Club is now back

Your parents probably were in it, but don’t worry, this one is full of cool stuff they won’t know about. Find out all about it here!And if you can’t wait to get your hands on the all-new and totally terrific new items, then why not check out Ed’s amazing guide to making your very own Gnasher badge!

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