Archive: Beano Annual 1958
Take a peek inside this 1950’s annual, filled with classic comic strips and adventure stories!
1958 Beano Annual
This annual would have been a sweet surprise as a Christmas gift. Annuals were always released towards the end of the year prior to the date listed.

When the Bell Rings at Bash Street School…
At the end of the 50’s, we start to see multi-page art that introduces the book, rather than a simple “this book belongs to”. Weekly readers would have been all too familiar with the antics of Bash Street School by now!

Roger the Dodger’s Story
Characters rarely made the crossover between comic strips and prose stories – trust Roger to dodge out of that responsibility! Here is one of his few appearances in a written story, instead of an illustrated one.

Dennis the Menace and …Bernard?
This poor pooch was as close as you could get to a doggy menace, as Gnasher wouldn’t be introduced for another decade.

Check out the rest of the 1950’s annuals!