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Can You Guess What’s Inside the Wrapped Present?

The best thing about presents is trying to guess what might be hidden inside all that colourful paper

Can You Guess What’s Inside the Wrapped Present?

The best thing about presents is trying to guess what might be hidden inside all that colourful paper

What's the best thing about Christmas presents? Well, apart from what's inside, obvs!

The best (or should that be second best) thing about presents is trying to guess what might be hidden inside all that shiny wrapping paper.

There's plenty of weird shaped prezzies that have to be shaken to work out what's been wrapped, or then there's the obvious gift - a big rectangular-shaped thing that's just got to be a book!

Basically, presents come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes it helps to be a bit imaginative when trying to work out what they are before they're unwrapped.

So that got us thinking - why not come up with a cool quiz to see if you can work out what's been wrapped up this Christmas!

Reckon you can solve the seasonal mystery? Well then, why not give it a go?