Which iCarly Character Are You?
Which iCarly character are you? It's time to find out which iCarly character you are!
Let's find out!
What's your favourite season?
Pick a school subject
What are you most likely to be doing in class?
Have you ever cheated?
Pick a holiday destination
How long does it take you to get ready in the mornings?
On a train would you rather...
It's takeaway time! What we having?
If you'd forgot your homework, which you'd already done, but left at home, would you...
You're going to a party, what you gonna wear?
In photos do you...
What do you think of 'Dad Jokes'?
What would you rather do?
If your teacher farted in class, would you...
What face do you pull when you're concentrating?
You're super cool and you're a great friend to everyone!
You've got a pretty mature head on your shoulders, but you know how to have fun!
You're a blast to be around and always a laugh at parties!
You're loyal, good fun, and a little bit kooky!