Beaches: True or False?
Think you know everything about these sandy playgrounds? Take this awesome quiz and find out!
Good luck!

In 1934, King George V put 1500 tons of sand on the banks of the Thames, just so Londoners could have a beach.

In the UK, you are never more than 40 miles away from a beach.

There are 163 billion grains of sand in every square metre of beach.

There are more grains of sand on the world's beaches than stars in the sky.

In 2008, an entire beach in Jamaica was stolen.

The tallest sandcastle ever built was over 11 metres tall.

Sandy beaches are mostly made of salt.

Sea turtles lay their eggs on the beach.

The Bahaman island Pig Beach is only populated by swimming pigs.

Papakolea Beach in Hawaii is made of blue sand.

Oh no! Better luck next time!

Good try! Why not have another go?

Great work! You so loads about beaches! Are you a seagull?

Wow! You're a beach expert!