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Film quiz

Can You Guess the Film From the Picture Still?

Grab some popcorn and test your knowledge of films with this tricky movie stills quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 21st 2024
Scored 100%

Everyone loves a good movie. We reckon you're probably thinking of your favourite one right now! Maybe it's a scene from Frozen or one of the Star Wars adventures. Maybe you're thinking of a thrilling car chase or a comedy that actually made your laugh your own socks off.

While we've got hundreds of different trivia quizzes on, here's one that's a little bit different. We're not asking you to dig up some trivia from the part of your brain that holds lots of important information – there's always time for a trivia quiz, right? – but this quiz is more of a visual brainteaser.

In this quiz, we're going to show you stills from 10 famous movies. All you have to do is tell us which one they're from. And to make it even easier, it's multiple choice so there's no excuse not to get stuck in and test your film trivia.

Sit back and relax and see if you can get a perfect score!

1/10 Guess the film scene quiz

These two burglars received a warm welcome in this Christmas adventure. What film is this from?

2/10 Guess the film scene quiz

Who knows what this lot are looking at. Anyway, what film is this pointy scene from?

3/10 Guess the film scene quiz

Someone's about to be woken up, again. What film does this alarm clock feature in?

4/10 Guess the film scene quiz

That horse looks a bit chilly. Which film is this scene from?

5/10 Guess the film scene quiz

This toy chimpanzee loves to make a noise, don't they? Can you name which film he appears in?

6/10 Guess the film scene quiz

Did you watch this Pixar film during lockdown? Can you name it? Can you? Go!

7/10 Guess the film scene quiz

This young chap looks like he'd enjoy trick or treating. Do you know which film this image is from?

8/10 Guess the film scene quiz

Urgh, that looks gross! What's this snotty film?

9/10 Guess the film scene quiz

Can you name which superhero film this still is from?

10/10 Guess the film scene quiz

Finally, can you defeat this final question? Yes, it's a Star Wars movie, but which one?

Oh no

Oh no! Better luck next time!

Good try

Good try! Why not have another go? You might get an even better score!

Great work

Great work! You've clearly enjoyed the magic of Hollywood on several occasions!


Wow! You're a movie expert!