45 Dolphin Jokes That Are Fin-Tastic!
You'll have a whale of a time with these dolphin jokes!
Looking for some more sea-riffic animal gags? Check out these whale jokes, shark jokes, mermaid jokes and dolphin facts! If it's in the sea, we've got jokes about it!
And whilst we've got your attention - don't forget to check out our main jokes page and the amazing Joke Generator! So many jokes!
How did the octopus make the dolphin laugh?
With ten-tickles!

What does a dolphin say when they're confused?
Can you please be more Pacific?

Why did the dolphin go 'urgh!'?
Because the sea weed!

How does the dolphin alphabet go?

Why did the dolphin go to the doctors?
They had an appointment!

What did the dolphin do when they lost their keys?
They flipped out!

Why did the dolphin have to take their exam again?
They were well below C level!

Why did the dolphin talk to the computer mouse?
It kept clicking back!

How did the dolphin feel after passing their exams?

Where do dolphins sleep?
Water beds!

Where do dolphins keep their money?
In their octo-purse!

Why do you never see a dolphin at Wimbledon?
They can never get tickets!

What is the difference between a dolphin and a tuna?
You can't dolphin a guitar!

Why was the dolphin sent off during a game of football?
They kept diving!

What did the dolphin magician say?
Pick a cod!

What do you call a person from Finland who's boring?
A dolphin!

A dolphin went into a restaurant and the waiter said...
"That must have been a big wave!"

I set up a camping trip for some dolphins…
It was bad idea for all in tents and porpoises!

Why are dolphins always smiling?
They produce endolphins!

What do dolphins have for lunch?
A Pod Noodle!

How do dolphins listen to music?

Why was the dolphin best friends with a seatbelt?
They just clicked!

Which Adventure Time character is popular with dolphins?

I wrote a book on dolphins.
It would've been easier to use paper!

What did one dolphin say to the other dolphin?
Eeeeeeh! Click cick click! Eeeeeeh!

People think my cat looks like a dolphin...
Poor puss!

Why did the dolphin cross the road?
To get to the other tide!

Why are dolphins so good at making pancakes?
They're great flippers!

What do you call a group of dolphins that move with the moons gravity?
A Tide Pod!

What kind of soap do dolphins use?
All porpoise cleaner!

I lost my pet dolphin.
Now it feels like my life has no porpoise!

What did Cinderella's dolphin lose?
Her glass flipper!

If you think swimming with dolphins is expensive, try swimming with sharks.
It costs an arm and a leg!

Who helps sick dolphins at the underwater hospital?

What did the ocean say to the dolphin?
Nothing, it just waved!

What should dolphins always have to stay healthy?
Vitamin sea!

What game do dolphins play at parties?
Salmon says!

What's the best way to hear dolphins talking?
Just listen to their podcast!

Did you know dolphins can squirt ink?
...Just squidding!

What's a dolphin’s favorite TV show?
Whale of fortune!

Why do dolphins live in salt water?
Because pepper water would make them sneeze!

Why don't dolphins play tennis?
They're scared of the net!

Where do dolphins go on holiday?

I met a friend at a Halloween party and we were both dressed as dolphins...
We just clicked!

How do dolphins make decisions?
They flipper coin!

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