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Toad Jokes

These jokes are toad-ally hilarious!

Beano Jokes Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024

You'll be over the spoon to hear these funny spoon jokes! And if these made you laugh, why not get your teeth into our Crocodile Jokes? And you won't beaver-lieve how funny these Beaver Jokes are! And these Zoo Jokes are zoo-lol-gical!

And there's always loads more jokes over on our jokes hub, check them out!

What goes dot dot croak…

Morse Toad

What does a toad do before bed…

Have a nice cup of croako

What’s the difference between a toad squashed on the road and a middle-aged man with a ukulele?

There’s a tiny chance the toad was on it’s way to play a gig!

How did the toad cross the channel?

On a hoppercraft!

Man: What’s a toad doing watching a Harry Potter movie?

Toad: I liked the book!

What does a toad have in its croako


What’s does a toad listen to on its iBuds


How does a toad look at tiktok?

On its lily iPad!

iPad quiz

What did the scientist create when she crossed a toad and and a dog?

A Croaker Spaniel!

What sport do toads play?


What did the bus driver say to the toad?

Hop in!

What’s a toads opening chess gambit?

It moves its spawn!

What do toads drink?


What do you call a woman with a toad on her head?


You know you Toad me to do my chores?

I frogot!

What does a toad wear on it’s feet?

Open toad sandals!

I find your conversation

Absolutely ribbeting

I’m a funny amphibian…

So I’ve been toad!

Actually Toads have more lives than cats…

They croak every night!

What do you get if you cross a galaxy with a toad?

Star Warts!

What do toads drink on a hot summer days?

Ice cold croak-a-cola!

What do you get if cross a science fiction film with a toad?

Star Warts!

Where did Mario's Kart go when he parked in the wrong place?

It got toad!

What’s warty and hangs from the ceiling at Christmas?


What goes dot-dash-ribbit?

A morse-toad

What do you get if you cross Darth Vader with a toad?

Star Warts!

What happened when the frog's car broke down?

It got toad away!

What do frogs love about Christmas?


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