Guess The Celebrity Emoji Quiz
Celebrities!? Why are they famous? Who knows?! But can you tell the personalities only using emojis?
Famous people seem to run the world, and sometimes it can be difficult to tell them apart, take Jedward for example! But out of this list of celebrities below - how many can you guess correctly only using their emoji form as a clue?! Let’s give it a go!

Who is this celeb?

Who is this celeb?

Who is this celeb?

Who is this celeb?

Who is this celeb?

Who is this celeb?

Who is this celeb?

Who is this celeb?

Who is this celeb?

Who is this celeb?

Uh oh! Not your finest moment, maybe these celebrities aren’t famous enough? Yes, that’s probably the problem, nothing to do with you! Why not have another go and see if you can do better!?

Alright! Nice score, not the best, but not the worst, you got a few of the tricky ones so that’s something to be proud of! Why not try another of the emoji quizzes we’ve got and see if you can improve your score!?

Nice! We’re really entering ‘epic style’ territory now! There’s no turning back! Well done, you’ve clearly got a strong understanding of celebrities and the emoji versions of them! What a wonderful skill! Why not try another quiz and see if you can do just as well at that one too?

Incredible! Simply wonderful! You’re the emoji legend! We’ve not seen anything like it, you’ve managed to score full marks! They said it couldn’t be done - have you considered studying Egyptology? There are plenty of hieroglyphics out there that still need translating! Well done!