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Composer Emoji Quiz - Can You Handel It?

Composers, there are lots of them! But can you guess which one is which using only emojis?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Emojis are a great way to get an idea or a feeling across quickly, but what about when it comes to composers? They have spent their entire lives making beautiful music that has changed millions of people’s lives - so can you work out who they are just based on a few emojis? Let’s give it a go! You never know, you might surprise yourself!


Guess this composer...


Guess this film score composer...


Guess this composer...


Guess this composer...


Guess this composer...


Guess this composer...


Guess this composer...


Guess this composer...


Guess this film score composer...


Guess this song writer...

Ooops! Maybe it’s time to go back to the concert hall! But don’t worry, some of these composers are very old so you might not have heard of them anyway! Remember, you can always have another go and see if you can do better!

Nice! We’re impressed! You’ve got a good knowledge of composers and a very special ability to pick them out using only emojis! Nice work! We think you could probably do better though, so why not power up your electric piano and have another go!?

Wow! This is truly impressive, you really know your stuff! Very very good! Move over Mozart, there’s a new master in town! You’ve done excellently with this quiz, so why not have a go at some of the other quizzes on the site and see if you can smash them too? Let’s go!

Epic, you’ve scored full marks! You’re truly a genius when it comes to the wonderful world of composers. They said it couldn’t be done, but here we are, at the top of Mount Music, looking down over the composers of the world, breath it in, this is what glory tastes like!