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Are You a Chess GOAT or Just a Goat?

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between board games and horned mammals - can you?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

When you first set up the game, it can be difficult to work out your opening move. But the really serious question is finding out if you’ve got thumbs or hooves! It would be pretty difficult to castle your rook without thumbs, and it might be difficult to not get distracted by all that lovely grass… So let’s work it out once and for all - are you the best chess player out there? Or are you an actual goat, as in, the animal?! Let’s go!


What would you rather do on your day off?


Your opponent is open for a check-mate (you think), what do you do?


What does a castle mean to you?


What does a knight mean to you?


What time do you wake up?


What would you rather have?


What is most important about a game of chess?


What is the greatest danger in chess for you?


Do you have thumbs?


Do you even know what chess is?

You’re the chess G.O.A.T!

Alright! Great news, you’re not a horned mammal with strange looking eyes! But not only that, you’re probably pretty excellent at chess. You know the insides and out of the game and just how to plan that killer move right from the start! You’re the kind of chess player that knows the value of patience and sacrifice and you do it all without snuffling through dirt for little seeds and bits of dried grass! Epic!

You’re an actual GOAT!

Great news! You’re an actual goat! This might not be the best sign if you want to take on some of the legends of chess, but it’s excellent news if you would rather walk around eating grass and bleating. We think goats are pretty cool, so be proud! Who needs chess when you’ve got horns and funny looking eyes?

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