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Pick Your Star Sign and We'll Tell You Your Transformer Name

Are you a fan of giant alien cyborgs disguised as old vans? Do you believe in star signs? Then this ridiculous star-gazing movie quiz is the one for you!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Ok! The rules are simple - you answer these 10 questions, and our star sign calculating machine will work out what your Transformer name should be! Will you be a super agile scout-style Transformer? Or a giant hulking one? That all depends on the stars!

Ready to find out? All you have to do is read on and choose your answers! And let the stars decide!

1/10 Platypus eating a birthday cake

What month were you born in?

2/10 Baby otter

Pick an animal:

3/10 Bublebee screenshot
Bumblebee | Allspark Pictures | Di Bonaventura Pictures | Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto, Don Murphy, | Travis Knight

Now pick a Transformers movie:

4/10 A big smiling pumpkin

What season do you prefer:

5/10 A giant robot

What makes a good Transformer?

6/10 Star signs

Pick a star sign that isn't your one:

7/10 A scene from Star Wars, with biscuits

Now pick a movie series that isn't Transformers:

Please add image credits here

8/10 What kind of vehicle would make the best Transformer:

9/10 An angry Transformer

Pick a Decepticon name:

10/10 A green gemstone

Pick a gemstone:

You're Rustbucket!

Your Transformer name is Rustbucket! Unfortunately this isn't the coolest name out there... but you're the kind of Transformer that's been around a long time and knows the ropes. What you might lack in glamour you definitely make up for in experience and just generally being reliable. Not the Transformer name you wanted? Have another go and see what you get next time!

You're Gasgrunter!

According to our star sign calculator - your Transformer name is Gasgrunter! You're a big, heavy, powerful Transformer with loads of gadgets and handy places to store spare parts. You are not to be messed with, but you're not the fastest or most agile Transformer out there. Not the Transformer name you wanted? Have another go and see what you get next time!

You're Swishslider!

This is very sleek sounding Transformer name, and you're the kind of cyborg that no doubt makes all kinnds of cool mecha sound effects when you transform. You're super fast and agile, so great for going on scouting missions. You might need to call for backup if you bump into any Decepticons though! Not the Transformer name you wanted? Have another go and see what you get next time!

You're Thunderbeak!

This is a pretty cool sounding Transformer name, and according to your star sign info, it's perfect for your style of Transformer! You're not the biggest or the fastest cyborg about - but you definitely have the most attitide! Not the Transformer name you wanted? Have another go and see what you get next time!

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