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Name The Exo Member Quiz - Exo Experts Only!

EXO are one of the biggest K-Pop groups out there, but can you work out who is who?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

It takes real skill and knowledge to know all the members of EXO, so do you think you’re up to the challenge?! Why not try this tricky EXO member quiz and see if you can tell the difference between Chen and Chanyeol? It’s up to you to prove yourself, so let’s see what you can do!

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Name this member of the group!

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Name this member of the group!


Which member loves animals the most?


Which member of EXO is studying to be an actor?


Who gets out of bed the latest?


Who hates cleaning the most?

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Name this member!

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Name this member!


Who youngest in the group?


Who is the oldest member?

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Oh dear, okay this isn’t the best result - it might be time to go back through some of their videos and spend a bit of time researching the band! But don’t worry, you can always try again, so take a breather, listen to some of their music and try again!

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Alright! Not bad! You can definitely tell the difference between Chen and Chanyeol, but is that enough to call yourself the EXO Expert? We’re not sure, maybe you need to have another go and see if you can score higher? Don’t worry, we’ll wait…

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Epic! Well done! You know almost everything that there is to know about the members of EXO, you’ve got some very solid EXO knowledge and it shows! Only a few answers slipped you by, so why not have another go and see if you can get those final points on the board?! Give it a try!

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Awesome! Wow, we’re speechless, not many people have this level of knowledge, but you sure as heck do! Well done, take a bow, you’ve earned the glory! But what will you do with this official declaration of quiz GOAT status? Why not see if you can ace some of the other quizzes on the site? You’re on a roll!