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The Ultimate Hannah Lowther Quiz!

Are you a fan of this Tik Tok star and West End hero? Test your knowledge of the amazing actor Hannah Lowther with this all-singing, all-dancing quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

She can make hilarious videos, sing, dance and… play the role of one of Henry VIII's wives in the hit musical SIX! Is there anything Hannah Lowther can't do? Let's see if you know everything there is to know about this amazing performer with this epic showbiz quiz! And yes... there will be questions about SIX!

Good luck - let's get started!

Hannah Lowther | Youtube

Who does Hannah play in SIX the musical?


Hannah is an "alternate". What does that mean?

Hannah Lowther | Youtube

When did Hannah get her big break?

4/10 A doctor

What did she do before she started acting professionally?

Hannah Lowther | Youtube

How did she start acting, singing and dancing?

6/10 A microphone

When Hannah is playing Katherine Howard, what's her solo?

Hannah Lowther | Youtube

When Hannah is being Catherine Parr, what's her solo then?

SIX The Musical | Youtube

When the actors who play Anne Boleyn or Catherine of Aragon are ill, Hannah can cover them. True or false?

9/10 A woman who has been pranked with song lyrics

How many followers has Hannah got on Tik Tok?

Wikipedia Commons

What happened to Katherine Howard in real life?

Hannah Lowther | Youtube

Noooo! Too bad... never mind, this was a pretty hard quiz. Do you know where you went wrong? Have another go if you want to improve on this score - or try a different one if you're fed up. Up to you! We have LOADS more showbiz quizzes to try!

Hannah Lowther | Youtube

Pretty good! This is a good score - you must be a fan! Now you've done pretty well here so you must know a lot about SIX - but you didn't quite manage a high score. Do you know where you went wrong? Have another go at this quiz and let's see if you can score a bit higher!

Hannah Lowther | Spotlight

Wahoo! Great work! Hannah is really impressed with this score! Well done - you know loads about her, SIX, and history generally! Well done! You almost got 100%, but just missed out on a high score. Can you beat this score on a different quiz?

Hannah Lowther | Youtube

Amazing! This is a fantastic score - you know absolutely everything there is to know about Hannah Lowther and SIX the musical! Well done! You're a mega fan! Now, you can't beat this score - but you might be able to match it on a different SIX quiz? Up for finding out? Let's give it a go!

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