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Top 10 Sleepover Games You Shouldn’t Sleep On!

Sardines? Torch Tag? Guess my fart? Check out this list of 10 hilarious sleepover games to turn your snores into LOLs!

So, you’re having a sleepover, eh? Well – don’t expect to do too much sleeping, because these nightime hangouts are all about playing as many daft games as possible! Watching movies or gaming are all well and good, but these 10 ideas will turn your snoozeover into a party to remember!

If you’re looking for more fun stuff check out these pets having parties, these Halloween party ideas, or even this epic list of Birthday pranks!

Now before we get going we should quickly mention the Golden Rules – always make sure an adult knows what you’re up to, and make sure that everyone is having a good time! If someone feels left out then it’s not a fun sleepover! Got it? Ok – let’s get going!

1. Truth or Dare!

Truth or Dare is a classic sleepover game where each player takes turns choosing either “truth” or “dare.” If they choose “truth,” they must honestly answer a question from another player. If they choose “dare,” they have to complete a fun or silly challenge. If you haven’t already played it you should give it a go – just don’t make the truths too embarrassing or the dares too horrible!

2. Torch Tag

Torch tag is a night time twist on regular tag. All you need is a dark room and some torches! Instead of trying to tag someone by touching them, you have to zap them with a torch instead! This makes it a very different game – you can tag people from a long way away, or protect yourself by hiding behind things! 

3. Would you rather…?

This is another one to do once you’re safely tucked up in your beds. Just ask your friends what they would rather – have a magnetic dog or a constantly wet cat? Would they rather eat only cheese forever, or always be slightly itchy? See what ones you can come up with!

4. Sardines!

Sardines is an extra fun version of hide and seek, except backwards! It starts with just one person hiding, and everyone else has to find them. The twist is that when they’re found, the person who found them has to squeeze in with them! And then, when the next person find them – they have to squeeze in too! See how many people you can squeeze in before everyone knows exactly where you are!

5. Sleeping bag sack race

It’s a good old fashioned sack race, but with sleeping bags! This one might need a bit of adult supervision – as the chances of falling over onto your face are… more than zero. Maybe you can build an obstacle course out of cushions too?

6. Blindfold portraits

This is an easy and fun arty one! All you need is some pens, paper and a blindfold! Take turns to put on the blindfold and try to draw your friends from memory! It’s much harder than it sounds – and be prepared for some hilarious results when you take the blindfold off!

7. Balloon stomp!

This game can make quite a lot of noise so make sure you have permission to do this – and best not start playing it in the middle of the night! What you do is tie a balloon to yours and your mates leg – then when you’re ready it’s down to you to try and pop their balloon, whilst stopping them from popping yours!

8. Musical sleeping bags

You can probably guess where this one is going! It’s musical chairs but with sleeping bags! Who writes this stuff?! It’s exactly the same rules, but you have to make sure you’re safely zipped up before the round ends, or you’re out!

9. The chocolate fork game

What everyone wants right before bed is… sugar! For this game you need a dice, a knife and fork, and a big bar of chocolate. Each player takes a turn rolling the dice until they get a six. When you get a six you have to eat as much chocolate as you can with the knife and fork! In the meantime the other players are rolling the dice to try and have a go themselves. It’s a fast, furious and messy sleepover game!

10. Guess My Fart!

We’ve saved the best till last! All you need for this one is a friend, your guts… and maybe some clothes pegs for your nose! When you feel the need to fart, give your mate a few seconds warning. Say “Guess my fart!” – and see if they can make the same sound that your bum does a second or two later! Phewweeee!

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