Which McClure Twin Are You?
Ava or Alexis? The balls in your court!
The McClure Twins are a special duo! There aren’t many people as funny or fun as them, and the fact you get two for the price of one is even better! But have you ever wondered which of the twins you’ve got the most in common with? It’s a burning question for sure! So why not jump on into this quiz and see for yourself, what are you waiting for?
What do you do first thing in the morning?
Which pet would you rather have?
Which is your favourite colour?
Mum has grounded your sister, what do you do?
You’ve got a new pair of shoes, what do you do first?
It’s dinner time, what do you hope for?
Jersey has bought a tortoise home, what do you do?
What kind of band would you like to be in?
You’re late for school, what is your excuse?
Which is more important?
Ava McClure!
Nice! You’ve got Ava! Now the twins are obviously inseparable, they’re each other's best friends and it doesn’t get much better than that, but they are still their own people! Ava is the older of the two, but one whole minute, and she never lets Alexis forget it! A little bit like you, when you know you’re right, you’re not afraid to stand up for what you believe in! Like Ava, you also know that family is really important and that caring for each other is one of the greatest things you can do! What a great result!
Alexis McClure!
Amazing! You’ve got Alexis! What an epic result, Alexis is the younger of the twins, but that doesn’t get in her way, she’s not afraid to stand up to her sister when things get heated, but she’s also noble enough to know when it’s time to make up again! That’s probably why you’ve gotten this result, you’re the kind of person that hates arguments and fights and would always do what you could to help people get along - just like Alexis!
Woah! Okay! This might not have been the answer you were hoping for, but here it is! You’ve actually got more in common with Dad, Justin than either of the twins! Now this must come as a bit of a disappointment, but don’t worry! Justin is a seriously caring person, and always tries his hardest to look out for the family, even though he’s always waving a camera around! You’ve probably got this result because you’re a caring person too, so sure, you might not have that much in common with Ava or Alexis, but we’re sure they’d want to be your friend!
Nice! So, you might have been hoping to get Ava or Alexis, but the quiz doesn’t lie! According to the results you’ve actually got more in common with their younger brother Jersey! But thinking about it, this is probably a good thing! Jersey is a chiller, he’s not too bothered about being on the YouTube channel, in fact he’d rather just relax and play games - and that’s a bit like you! You’re a laid back kinda person, so why would you want to be on camera? Imagine it, your whole life being watched? Maybe Jersey is right? But heck, if you don't like this result, you could always try the quiz again…