American Revolution Songs of Freedom Quiz
Grab your tricorn hat and let's see how much you know about these old-timey anthems from American history!
It's been a long time since the American War of Independence, but the songs are still out there! If you're a history-loving fan of fiddles and flutes, check out this quiz all about those old-timey revolutionary bangers! Let's find out how much you really know about the original soundtrack to American independence!
Let's start at the beginning! What were these revolutionary songs of freedom?
Who were the villains in the original American songs of freedom?
The song "Young Ladies in Town" was all about what?
Lots of revolutionary songs from that era were set to the tune of already existing British songs. True or false?
Finish the name of this song from the time: "Come Shake Your Dull...." what?
What hot drink was a symbol of the American Revolution?
American revolutionary songs could be... what?
What's the next line in "The Liberty Song": "In freedom we’re born, and in freedom we’ll live..."
Which of these is NOT a real revolutionary song?
Soldier, Will You Marry Me? is a fun song, but it's also about... what?
Bah! Tough luck! This is not your best work. Never mind though - this was a tricky quiz, and all about a pretty tough subject. If you want to learn more about the music of this era though, have another go at this quiz and let's see what you score next time!
Nicely done! This is a really good score - on a very tricky quiz, too! You clearly knwo a good amount about revoltyuonary songs - bu slipped up on a few right answers. FDo you know which ones? Have another go and see if you can beat this score the second time round!
Well done! This quiz was really hard and you got alomst every single one right! Amazing work! Do you knwo which questions you got wrong? Let's see if you can beat this score on a different history quiz - we have loads more!
Wahoo! Amazing! You know loads about the revolutionary song of yesteryear! Clearly you're a real history buff! You got every single question right! Really well done. You can't beat this score - but you might be able to match it on a different history quiz? Have a go and find out!