20 Completely Crumbly Cookie Jokes!
These jokes are fresh out of the oven, and full of extra chocolate chips! You'll be crumbling with laughter!
Everyone loves cookies - and you're going to love these freshly-baked cookie jokes just as much! Read on... we promise none of them are crummy! And if you're still feeling sweet afterwards, we've got more jokes for you to giggle at! Try our brownie jokes, ice cream jokes, and bakery jokes!
How does the King like his cookies?
With Royal icing!

What do cookies say when they want to fight?
“Get ready to crumble!”

Why was the cookie so annoyed?
He had a chip on his shoulder!

What did the fruit cookie say to his parents?
“Thank you for raisin me right!”

Why was the gingerbread man locked out of his house?
He couldn’t find his cook-keys!

What is a monkey’s favourite cookie?
Chocolate chimp!

What’s the best thing to put into a cookie?
Your teeth!

Why did the baby cookie cry?
Because his mother was a wafer so long!

Where do witches bake their cookies?
In a coven!

How do basketball players take their cookies?
They dunk them in milk!

What do you get when you use a cookie cutter shaped like a deer?
Cookie doe!

Why couldn’t the Cookie Monster make his bed?
He couldn’t find a baking sheet!

What’s the main ingredient in a smart cookie?
Academia nuts!

I’m so sick of using the Internet…
I keep accepting cookies, and they still haven’t sent me any!

I tried to start an online bakery…
But I accidentally deleted all my cookies!

Why do Wookiees love cookies?
Because they’re Chewy!

What kind of cookie makes you rich?
A fortune cookie!

What do you a call a cookie who loves to steal?
A crook-ie!

When should you take a cookie to the doctor?
If it’s feeling crummy!

What did the cookie say to his wife?
“We’re a batch made in heaven!”

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