20 Extra Sharp Pencil Jokes!
We'll be blunt - these pencil jokes are absolutely hilarious! Get ready to add some more great jokes to your pencil case!
Let's get straight to the point - these pencil jokes are really funny! Get ready for some really sharp jokes and puns, perfect for sharing with your friends during a pencil-sharpening session! And if you've still got pencils on the brain, you might just love some of our other educational jokes! We've got jokes about teachers, maths, and books for you to giggle at!
What do you a pencil with an eraser on both ends?

Pencils aren’t my favourite writing implements…
But they’re definitely Number 2!

When can’t a pencil write a cheque?
When it’s broke!

Did you hear about the man who showed up to a gunfight with only a pencil and paper?
He proceeded to draw his weapon!

Did you hear about the thief who stole all the pencils from the police station?
The police had no leads!

I won’t use a pencil on anything but paper…
That’s where I draw the line!

What do you call a pencil when you throw it?
I don’t know, but it’s certainly not stationery!

I’ve decided to ask a pencil to marry me…
I can’t wait for my family to meet my bride 2B!

Why didn’t the pencil get along with the pair of scissors?
Every time the pencil made a point, the scissors got snippy!

What did the pencil say to the pencil sharpener?
“Without you, life would be pointless!”

Why are pencils so good at debating?
They always have a point!

I was rejected by my dream art school because I used the wrong pencil…
It wasn’t 2B!

Why do pencils shave?
So they look sharp!

My friends are getting sick of me sharpening my pencil…
Really, I’m just trying to make a point!

What is a pencil’s favourite US state?

I finally hung up all of my pencil drawings…
But I’m worried it makes my house look sketchy!

Who’s the king of the pencil box?
The ruler!

What did the pencil say when it was cast in a Shakespeare play?
“2B or not 2B… that is the question!”

What’s the difference between a horse and a pencil?
You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead!

Want to hear a joke about pencils?
Never mind… there’s no point!

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