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Do You Prefer Sweet or Savoury Foods? Quiz

The proof is in the pudding, so let’s find out!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated March 21st 2025

We all have our favourite things that we like to eat, but where do you sit on that ancient debate? Are you a sweet toothed eater or a savoury salt fiend?! If you don’t know already, then this is the quiz for you! Prepare your tastebuds, because we’re about to put them firmly to the taste test! You never know, your result might surprise you! So what are you waiting for?


What time do you wake up in the morning?

2/10 A loaf of bread in space

You’re lost on a strange planet, what do you do?


What is the most important utensil in the kitchen?


Which of these belongs in a pie?


Which is your favourite?


Which animal would you like to invite for dinner?


Which appliance is the most important?


What smell makes you the happiest?


What would you rather drink?


Which musical instrument makes you the most angry?

Seriously sweet!

Nice! You’re the kind of person that loves the sweeter things in life, especially when it comes to food! You love a tasty treat, but only so long as it's so sweet you need to drink at least a litre of water straight afterwards! Thankfully, you’re also a careful sweet eater and know that you’ve got to keep your teeth clean after a particularly sweet session! Great stuff!

Seriously savoury!

Boom! Alright! You’re the most savoury eater out there! There isn’t anyone in the world that likes savoury food as much as you do! When it comes to dinner, it’s all about the salty, umami flavours - and the same counts for breakfast and lunch too! If a rich, smooth and creamy soup could be a person, that person would be you - delicious! But don’t forget to stay hydrated! All that salt makes for a very dry tongue!

Pretty sweet!

Alright! So on the sliding scale of sweet, you’re sitting at a very reasonable level! You love a sweet treat, but that’s only normal! You’re not so obsessed that you cover every meal in sticky strawberry sauce, so at least that’s something! When it comes to sugar, you’re also the kind of person that knows too much of a good thing is pretty bad for you! A little bit of sugar goes a long way!

Pretty savoury!

Perfect! What a great result! According to the answers you gave, you like your life to be in balance! Not too salty, and not too sweet! This is the dream of any meal, and what a great result for you! There is something special about that delicious combo of those flavours, the best of both worlds! Thai food is famous for this combo, why not try it out one day?