Take a Sneak Peek Inside Our New Bash Street Kids Book!
If you love the Bash Street Kids, then you’ll love this new book from Beano!

The Bash Street Kids are the class every teacher dreads… and it’s just got worse for the long-suffering teacher of Class 2B!
Danny, Toots, Plug and the team are joined by three new pupils – Mahira, Stevie and Khadija – who are just as fun-loving and rebellious as they are, and together they’re going to give Teacher a lesson in maximum mayhem!

This first volume of Bash Street Kids comics collects together 68 pages of hilarious classroom chaos, illustrated by legendary artist David Sutherland, and is priced at £6.99!
If you’re in the mood for some lessons in laughter from the kids of Class 2B, visit the Beano shop or any good book store!