20 Questions with Pieface
We caught up with Pieface and asked him some questions - here are his answers!
1. What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
I would say ‘I love pies’

‘I love pies’? That’s how you would describe yourself?
Yes. Is that the wrong answer?
No, there’s no wrong answer, it’s just an unusual one…
2. What do you keep in your pockets?
A recipe book so I can write down any great ideas I have for new pies
3. What’s the first thing you can remember?
I still remember my first pie: it had rusks in it and my mum made it to help me sleep. It made me burp instead. I’ve still got the final crumb from it!
4. What would you like to be?
I’d like to be a taster at a pie factory, and one day run my own company: Pieface’s Perfect Pies
5. What’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
One day I tried to eat a plastic display pie. It wasn’t really embarrassing. It just wasn’t very tasty. And I have fallen into a pie before…

6. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
I’m a pie-ssimist!
7. What is your biggest fear?
When I have a pie to eat, I always worry that it might have a soggy bottom. I hate having a soggy bottom.
8. Who would you trust with your biggest secret?
Paul the Potato, Dennis, JJ, Rubi, Gnasher and Cherry Bakewell the chef. She’s my hero.
9. What’s your most treasured possession?
My emergency pie stash. I keep them in the freezer. Apple pies, mince pies, steak pies and curry pies.
10. Do you have a pet?
If by pet, you mean my bestest friend in the whole world – then Paul the Potato!

11. What’s your favourite food?
Salad.Just kidding, it’s pies! You know, I don’t think I’ve ever had a salad pie – it might be a taste sensation!
12. What makes you laugh?
Paul – he’s the funniest potato on earth
13. If you had to be stuck in a lift for 3 hours with one person, who would you like it to be?
Definitely Paul, or possibly a pie salesman if he had lots of samples in his briefcase

14. If you had insomnia and couldn’t ever sleep – how would you fill the time?
I would invent new pies, write them in my recipe book, then count pies until I fell asleep
15. What is your greatest strength?
I can identify pies just by feeling their crusts. I can even do it blindfolded or in the dark, it’s like they tell me their secrets. I’m a pie whisperer.

16. And your greatest weakness?
Sometimes Walter tricks me into doing things by promising me pies. I don’t like him, but I do like the pies his mum buys, so it’s a difficult choice.
17. Name 3 things you’re really good at…
I’m good at music, looking after potatoes and I like doing science stuff with Rubi

18. And 3 things you’re really bad at?
Stopping Dennis doing things that could get him in trouble, knitting, football… and maths
That was four, I think, but never mind…
I think you’ll find it was three. 1… 2… 4… 3 – see?
19. What would you like to be remembered for?
I’d like to be remembered as somebody’s best friend ever, or possibly as the inventor of the salad pie

20. Finally – toast or cereal?
In a pie? A cereal pie would be okay…