Alien Squelchy Things!
Squelchies and squelchies and squelchies galore!
This is Professor Stephen Squelching…
Professor Squelching is Earth’s top expert on alien Squelchy Things. Here are just some of the weird Things from another world he’s seen through his Squelchy-scope…

Bluto from Pluto
Bluto can’t help repeating himself, because he has two mouths. He’s like a squelchy echo.

Poopiter from Jupiter
Poopiter wears a glass helmet to protect his beautiful hair. Jupiterians are very proud of their hair.

Zlatan from Saturn
Zlatan’s raygun is actually a torch. It takes 3 AA batteries (which weren’t included). Just don’t tell anyone – he can’t defend Saturn with a torch.

Skoon from the Moon
Skoon is smart. He stayed hidden when men walked on the moon and built a jet bike from the stuff NASA left behind!

Zeptune from Neptune
Zeptune lives in Neptune’s Ocean of Squelchiness. It’s just like the oceans here on Earth, but squelchier.