Archive: Beano Annual 1971
Take a peek inside this 1970’s annual, filled with classic comic strips and adventure stories!
1971 Beano Annual
At a cost of 9/6, the Beano Book 1971 was the last annual sold with a pre-decimal price. This one belongs in a gallery!

Vowel please, Carol.
Billy’s whizz speed comes in handy in the countdown to the Beano Book’s laugh-tastic pages.

Q-Bikes (or karts?)
Unlike the previous year’s Q-Bikes safety special, this year featured the ‘Q-Karts’. Many Beano annuals played around with the characters in new settings or situations.

On that note…
Something Beano readers especially love is seeing Class 2B transformed into different animals or pets – in this annual they appear as birds and insects, and of course their canine alter-egos, the Bash Street Pups!

Meeting the minimum
This Beano Book also had Minnie’s Mini-Book. While annuals don’t have chapters, this was a unique section at the start of this annual exclusively for minx-fans, with 15 pages of comic strips and jokes!

Click below to check out all the Beano Annuals from the 70’s!