Beano Superstars – Eric Wimp
The ordinary boy with an extraordinary secret

I absolutely love everything about bananas. The taste, the smell, the colour and the 358mg of potassium per 100g. I actually just read that in a book about bananas. I even have a telephone which is bright yellow, just like my favourite fruit.
When I eat a banana, I feel much better, but that’s all I have to say about that. I’d actually much rather eat a banana than one of my mum’s sandwiches. I used to feed them to Crow – that’s how he became my best friend!
But I love bananas so much – and the fact I live such a peaceful life free of any exciting moments – I’ve done some research about them and found out some amazing facts which I’d like to share with you below.
• Bananas float in water, just like apples and rubber ducks. I wouldn’t take one in the bath, unless I wanted a healthy snack.
• There’s a Banana Club Museum in California. Inside, there’s over 17,000 banana-themed items. That sounds like my kind of museum.
• Some people say that if you have a headache, rubbing some banana peel on your forehead might help it go away. I tried that once and forgot to take it off before I left the house. I wondered why people were staring at me when I went to school.
• Bananas have a scientific name, which is musa sapientum. It means fruit of the wise men. Dunno why, though.
• Here’s my favourite banana fact. There was a man in East Dundee in Illinois – that’s in the United States of America! – called Patrick Bertoletti, who ate 8 peeled bananas in one minute. I bet he was full after that. I certainly wouldn’t try that at home. I might turn into a superhero or something.
That’s probably enough banana facts now. Read on below for facts about me, instead!
I think I can hear the telephone ringing, so I’d best answer it…
Eric Wimp Fact File
Name: Eric Wimp
Age: 9
Birthday: 16th February
Best friend: Crow
Worst enemy: General Blight and Doctor Gloom
Prized possession: The Bananaphone, which Police Chief O’Reilly uses to get in touch with Eric when he needs Bananaman‘s help
Motto: “Ever alert for the call to action!”
Super skill: Keeping his secret identity hidden
Family: Mum
Address: 29 Acacia Road
Fact: Crow and Eric are friends because before he was Bananaman, Eric used to feed Crow his mum’s disgusting sandwiches!