Beano Superstars – Stevie Star!
Meet Beanotown’s new character and social media ‘star’ in the making!

Hello and welcome to my very own Beano page! I’m Stephen Super Star, or Stevie Star for short. Get used to the name because I’m going to be a social media icon one day!
I’m from America. My mom is British and my dad is American, like me. Mom is a celebrity pet taxidermist and my dad was a famous NFL player. They’re still in America at the moment, so my ‘grantastic’ gran – she’s called Floella – looks after me in a house on the edge of Beanotown, just near the cinema. Being so close to the movies suits me fine! It’s a shame I can’t take my pet pug Franklin to the cinema, though. I’m sure he’d love a big action movie, judging by the amount of time he spends leaping off the sofa onto my feet.
At the moment, I’m working on lots of different things to raise my internet profile. I never leave the house without my smartphone, drone, laptop and selfie stick. It’s a bit of a pain to carry around, but you never know when inspiration will strike and the internet never sleeps. It doesn’t even nap!
Some people at school have seen what I do and asked for my autograph. I played it very cool when I was scribbling my name on their books and bags, but I secretly loved it. This must be what it’s like to be famous! I have lots of heroes and I study everything their do, so I can use their tricks and style to become a megastar.
I film myself telling jokes and working on a comedy routine. Maybe I’ll have my own special on TV one day. My teacher thinks I spent to much time using my phone and my gadgets, but it’s bound to happen – if you put the work in, your dreams can come true. A lot of people America seem to say that, actually.
I’ve just had an idea for a blam joke, so I’m going to film it. See you around!
Stevie Star Fact File
Name: Stephen Super Star
Age: 10 and a half years old
Best friend: Plug and Miss Mistry
Worst enemy: Faulty wi-fi
Prized possession: His smartphone.
Motto: “Do you know who I think I am?”
Super skill: Being a creative genius!
Family: Stevie lives with his grantastic gran, Floella
Address: Near the cinema
Fact: Stevie has a pet pug called Franklin