BeanoToons – Ed Sheeran Adventures
Ed Sheeran has been on many weird adventures - but which are real and which are fake?
Which of Ed Sheeran's adventures were real and which were fake?

Ed quit Twitter - real or fake?

Ed melted his shoes in a volcano - real or fake?

Ed was strapped to a plane - real or fake?

Ed went white water rafting - real or fake?

Ed swam with sharks - real or fake?

Ed went bungee jumping - real or fake?

Ed was in Game of Thrones - real or fake?

Ed will be in The Simpsons - real or fake?

Ed's cheek was cut by a princess with a sword - real or fake?

Ed broke his arm - real or fake?
Well done on your perfect score! Ed Sheeran was going to congratulate you himself, but sadly he's too busy swimming with sharks inside a volcano.
Better luck next time!
Oh dear. Somebody hasn't been studying their Sheerans enough!
When I had 16 songs in the UK Top 20 singles chart,
I thought I’m pretty much the biggest superstar in the whole world,
But how did I get here? Let me tell you now…
I left Twitter and my social media cause I needed some space,
So I used a volcano has a hiding place,
But it melted my shoes and now it made me faint,
They were a present from my grandma on my last birthday...
I went to New Zealand,
Got strapped to a plane,
Did some white water rafting which was totally insane,
Then I swam with some bull sharks in the deep blue sea,
But the scariest thing was doing a bungiieeeeeee…. Jump…
I’m Ed Sheeran,
And these are all of my adventures,
Some could be fake,
But the real ones, they’re even stranger,
And I'll list the ways that I can’t believe that they’re real,
Hold my guitar while I do something crazy on a hill
I ended up on Game of Thrones,
And then I'll be in the Simpsons too,
It’s only like my favorite cartoon in the whole world ever,
Then I went to a posh party,
There was a princess with a sword,
She cut my cheek,
And gave me this cool scar,
But it’s ok,
I’m a super star!
I’m Ed Sheeran,
And these are all of my adventures,
All of them are true,
There are even more I couldn’t tell you,
Now I need a break from my,
Celebrity holiday,
Pass me my guitar while-
I go on a sold out world tour and I play to one hundred thousand people every night...
Oh, I broke my arm.