How to Draw Angel Face!
Watch Beano artist, Laura Howell, show you how she draws Angel Face!
Planning is important
Use a pencil to roughly sketch out your drawing first - just in case!

Draw each part of your drawing in the same order every time
Comic artists often have to draw the same characters lots of times, so it's good to have a routine way to draw so they always look the same. Start with the face (because it's the most important part) and work your way out.

Add personality!
Angel face has a cute innocent look but is really quite sneaky and smart. A couple of well placed eyebrows can give her that crafty look that shows off her cheeky side!

(She's also very smart - so make sure you give her a big enough head for all those brains!!)

Practice makes perfect!
Never worry about messing up - just give it another go! The more times you draw, the better and faster you'll get at it!

And here's Laura's finished Angel Face!