Meet Max – The Beano Fan Helping Charity with the Big Camp Out
This brilliant Beano fan is celebrating a whole year of camping in his back garden with a Big Camp Out - and he wants you to get involved too!
Would you camp out in your garden for a whole year? Well, Beano-fan and all-round-legend Max Woosey has done it, and raised an incredible £151,000 (and counting) for charity!
Amazing work, Max! Here he is in his tent with his faithful copy of the Beano:

Max started his camping fundraiser in March last year, to raise money for his local Hospice in honour of a friend. Since then he's survived lockdown, a freezing-cold winter and a whole year's worth of creepy crawlies. This Saturday he's celebrating a whole year of camping in his back garden with a Big Camp Out - and he wants you to get involved too!

Can you help Max with his Big Camp Out?
Sure you can! This Saturday 27th March wrap up warm, stick a tent up in your back garden and spend the night in the great outdoors. Be sure to take pictures and if you can get some adults to chip in some money for charity - even better!
You don't have to donate to Max's Just Giving page (though it'd be ace if you did) - the main thing is just to have fun and celebrate making it through the last year. Oh by the way - don't forget to ask an adult for permission!

No garden? No tent? No problem!
Not everyone has a back garden, but you can still go camping. Don't believe us? You can sleep in a fort made of cardboard boxes in the living room, or in a tipi made of towels in the bathroom. You might not bump into any hedgehogs or foxes during the night, but if it rains you'll be LAUGHING!

Whether you've been living in a tent or not...
This last year has been really hard. But Max's Camp Out shows what kids can do when they work together. So as things slowly start getting back to normal, celebrate all the things that are good in the world - whatever that means to you - and do something a bit different this weekend. Just watch out you don't get eaten by ants!*

*Don't worry - You probably won't get eaten by ants.