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Meet the Numskulls

Check out these facts about Brainy, Blinky, Cruncher, Snitch, and Radar; it's the Numskulls, the Beano characters who live in your head.

The Numskulls are the little people who live in your head. They control your brain and all your senses, so if they’re having a bad day, you probably are too!

Name: The Numskulls

Age: Your Numskulls are the same age as you

Address: The Head, Your Street!

Fact: Your Numskulls look a bit like you! 

Your Numskulls – Brainy

Brainy is in charge of the brain. It’s up to him to listen to the other Numskulls and try to get them to do what’s best for you. That doesn’t always work out too well, though!

Your Numskulls – Cruncher

Cruncher controls your mouth. He makes you eat, speak and sometimes dribble a bit out of the corner of your mouth. Ew! 

Your Numskulls – Blinky

Blinky is in charge of your eyes and it’s his job to tell Brainy when he sees something important

Your Numskulls – Radar

Radar is in charge of your ears. He listens out for anything which might be interesting and reports to Brainy. He’s also in charge of shovelling ear wax out of your earholes, so next time you have to clean them, you can blame him!

Your Numskulls – Snitch

Snitch lives in your nose and has 2 important jobs: sniffing out smells and making sure any snot your body produces comes out of your nostrils! Yuck!