Toon Quiz – Stunt Gran
Watch an epic cartoon, then test your knowledge. Simples!
Toon Quiz – Stunt Gran
Watch an epic cartoon, then test your knowledge. Simples!
1/10 What does Walter call the other kids?
2/10 According to Dennis, it's time for which plan?
3/10 What model of skateboard does Walter have?
4/10 What tricks does Gran play on Dennis, Curly and PIe Face when they arrive at her house?
5/10 What does Gran tie up Curly and Pie Face with?
6/10 How does Pie Face check that Dennis isn't dreaming?
7/10 What title do Walter and Dennis aim to win?
8/10 How does Walter try to sabotage Gran's attempt to do a triple somersault?
9/10 What is Gran's skater name?
10/10 Where does Gran land after her first try at a triple somersault on Walter's skateboard?

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