Watch the Toon, Take the Test – The Gnashinator
Watch an epic cartoon, then test your knowledge. Simples!
Watch the Toon, Take the Test – The Gnashinator
Watch an epic cartoon, then test your knowledge. Simples!
1/10 Who kidnaps Gnasher?
2/10 What does Walter dress up as to lure Gnasher into the unmarked van?
3/10 Who tells Dennis where to find the people who dognapped Gnasher?
4/10 What do Dennis and Curley pretend their trainers are?
5/10 What is the Gnashinator's mission?
6/10 What kind of convention is goin on in Beanotown?
7/10 Where does everyone hide from the Gnashinator?
8/10 What do Dennis, Curly and Pieface throw at the Gnashinator?
9/10 What happens to the last sausage?
10/10 How gnash-proof do the spy's gnash-proof trousers turn out to be?

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