Introducing The Battle for Bash Street – The World’s First Ever Boomic!
What do you get if you mix books with comics? Boomics! It's ultimate Beano adventure – coming to all good bookshelves soon!
The scientists at Beano HQ’s laboratories have mixed books with comics to create a whole new beast known as Boomics!
The Battle for Bash Street is the first blamtastic Beano boomic and is out now! From the epic minds of Beano’s I.P. Daley (with just a little bit of help from Craig Graham and Mike Stirling), it’s the ultimate Beano adventure in book form, peppered with funny pictures illustrated by ace comic creator, Nigel Parkinson.

We’re not going to give the story’s ending away – that would be too silly, even for Beano – but what we can reveal it’s packed full of fun, adventure and exciting new enemies.
If that’s got your appetite going, why not try this for starters?
When mysterious new teachers arrive to lay down the law at the the notoriously naughty Bash Street School, Dennis, Gnasher and friends finally face a test they simply can’t afford to fail. Can this gang of total legends outwit the most cunning teachers in the universe, and after millions of years, finally make school cool?
Check out this taster below!

This has all the makings of the most epic story ever told!
Boomics aren’t just an awesome mix of books and comics. Nope, not at all! Your eyes might think it’s loads of birthdays all at once, but your ears are in for a treat too.
Chapter by chapter, we’ve designed an awesome BOOM-box soundboard to be played alongside The Battle for Bash Street School. When you see a sound effect or an action in the book, press the matching button to hear what it sounds like! There are eight sound effects per chapter, meaning that 18 chapters gives you over 140 sound effects to play with! Keep your ears out for beeps and boops, traps and holes, and Beanotown voices of all kinds.
How blam is that? So what are you waiting for? The Battle for Bash Street – the world’s first ever Boomic! – is out on Thursday on all good bookshelves, from Farshore publishing.