Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed! Series 1 – Episode 3: Dinmaker Diva
In this episode of Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed!, Dennis and the gang are suffering from Dinner Lady Olive’s completely inedible school dinners!
Dennis and the gang are suffering from Dinner Lady Olive’s completely inedible school dinners!
In their mission to ‘drop the slop’, they discover a poster of her past career as a singer. Dennis’s eureka moment leads to asking her to join The Dinmakers - hoping she’d trade a life in the kitchen for the a life in the limelight!
However after unleashing Olive’s inner diva, their mission is to get Olive back into the kitchen!
Episode Trivia Overload!
Item #1
On the poster of Olive as a singer, she’s wearing the same sparkly silver costume that she insists the rest of the band wears for the performance.

Item #2
Dennis imagines getting a new cook if Olive wins the Battle of the Bands. His daydream shows the gang stuffed with pizza, turkey, cakes, pies, sausages and ice creams!

Item #3
Although Olive says that she loved it when her band won awards, went to celebrity parties and got presents from adoring fans, she would miss the smell of gravy and says that her future is in sprouts.

Item #4
Walter persuades two guitarist classmates to create a band, but they leave when can’t handle Walter’s ‘killer voice’. He then joins the gang to form 'Olive, Walter and the Dinnermakers'!

Item #5
Olive’s contract includes changing the name of the band, getting gobstoppers (but no blue ones!), having a puppy in her handbag, giving the band members silver costumes and much, much more!

Dinner Lady Olive's Trivia Quiz!

Why does Walter say he gets special food?

What do the gang call their plan to get rid of the school dinner?

When Dennis and the Dinmakers perform, what is Olive singing about?

How does Walter introduce himself at the competition?

In Walter’s Battle of the Bands performance, what does he sing about?

"It's Grey Goop for you! Go back and watch the episode again!"

"Getting better… unlike this leftover Sprout and Tofu Surprise!"

"Not bad, you deserve a treat! Leftover Cabbage Trifle anyone?"

"Good stuff! Although not as good as my new Pizza Smoothie recipe!"

"Great work - just as great as my new Hummous and Turnip Ice Cream Sundae!"

"Top score! Let's celebrate with a bowl of delicious Sardine Pasta Bake and fizzy Turnip Cola!"