Make Your Own Gnasher Badge!
Want to wear a Wire Haired Abyssinian Tripe Hound on your jumper? You've come to the right place!
Make Your Own Gnasher Badge!
Want to wear a Wire Haired Abyssinian Tripe Hound on your jumper? You've come to the right place!
Do you gneed more Gnasher in your life?
Here at Beano Towers, we’ve been busting our brains to come up with a whole world of wonderful ways to wear Dennis’ pal – whether worn on your school uniform or stuck to your fave jumper.
What you waiting for?! Join the Dennis and Gnasher Fan Club NOW and make your own badges.

So our Ed's made an amazing video that shows you how to make a Gnasher badge of your own, and all you need to do is stock up on scissors and get the glue ready. This is going to get creative (and possibly just a little bit messy)!
Oh, and if you need some ideas to kick-start your badge-making, look no further because we’ve got some stonking suggestions right here!
And once you've had a look at Ed's badges, it's time to decide - what will you make your Gnasher badge out of?
The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!!!
Paper badge
We've all got paper lying around at home so get your mitts on a nice piece of A4 and get Gnasher badging!

Pie badge
When Pie Face has finished scoffing all those crusty treats, you'll be able to use the left over cases to make yourself a brilliant badge, Gnasher-style!

Sequins badge
Want to bring some bling to everyone's favourite Wire Haired Abyssinian Tripe Hound? Sequins are the way to do it!

Pom-pom badge
Gnasher's hair is uncontrollable and because you can't give him a bath (you wouldn't dare!), the next best plan is to give him a pom-pom makeover.

Electronic badge
Gnasher's hair is so wired it makes him look like he's had a real shock - and with this badge made from bits and pieces of old gadgets, he'll look even more electric.

Flower badge
Let's face it, Gnasher's been waiting for a floral makeover for ages, so now's your chance - just make sure you don't pick Mum's best tulips or there'll be big trouble! Probably.

Strawberry Lace badge
After eating all that tripe, Gnasher probably smells a bit, well, tripey so what better way to sweeten him up than with a badge made from strawberry laces. Only thing is, they're so delicious you might end up scoffing the lot before the badge is finished!

Toilet paper badge
Um, well, this one might get a bit pongy - so make sure you grab that paper before it's been used!