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Storm Safety: How Much Have You Learned?

Getting caught in a storm can be no laughing matter, as Minnie finds out to her cost in the latest Beano – but if you find yourself in a spot of bad weather, then would you know what to do?

Getting caught in a storm can be no laughing matter, as Minnie finds out to her cost in the latest Beano – but if you find yourself in a spot of bad weather, then would you know what to do?

Thanks to our fair-weather friends at the Met Office, we’ve been able to pick up some tips that will help to keep us safe when the dark clouds come rolling in and you can find out what they are by getting your hands on a copy of the World’s Greatest Comic (that’s the Beano, by the way – in case you were wondering!).

And not only that – you can also test your storm-safety know-how against other Beano fans by answering the questions below, so don’t delay! Get ready for the a rainy day by finding out how weather aware you are!


What's the first thing you would do when a storm is on its way?


  • Strap down anything that can blow away 0.7 %
  • Stock up on your favourite foods 0.2 %
  • Go to the beach 0 %
  • Check on your neighbours 0.1 %
  • Go to a theme park 0 %

Which of these is on the official Met Office storm names list for 23/24?


  • Storm Minnie 0.6 %
  • Storm Roger 0.2 %
  • Storm Stormzy 0.2 %

What’s the best thing to do in a storm?


  • Stay inside and keep safe 0.3 %
  • Check forecast updates from the Met Office 0 %
  • Read the Beano 0.2 %
  • All of the above! 0.5 %

True or false? Met Office weather presenters are twice as likely to get caught in storms as other people?


  • True 0.6 %
  • False 0.4 %

True or false? Storm Dennis was a real menace bringing strong winds and rain to the UK in 2020?


  • True 0.8 %
  • False 0.2 %