Comic Articles
Beano comic strips, games, quizzes, characters and more. Everything you’re after from Dennis and pals!
Fart Fighting: Ky vs Lexi
Fart Fighting: the Fartnale!
Face Paint Ideas!
Emma and Ed’s Drawing Challenge!
Egg-ceptional Adventures with Big Eggo
This is Old Spider Road!
Toy Story - The British Version!
Matt Meets the Avengers
Emma and Matt Meet Aladdin's Genie!
Matt Meets Spider-Man: Far From Home
Beano Squad Battle the SATs!
Welcome to Candy Crush!
DUDS Do Danger
SATs All, Folks!
Meet the Worst Teacher Ever
Funny Filter Fails
What Happens When Your Dad Does TikTok?
School Meltdown - How to Spot the Signs!
Skull Trooper Falls FOREVER!
The UK Avengers
DUDS | Stupid TV
Unsinkable | Stupid TV