15 Fun Chihuahua Facts You Need to Know
It’s time to learn all about Chihuahuas with these 15 awesome facts! These cool dogs aren’t just cute and cuddly – so find out what makes them so special!
How much do you know about Chihuahuas? We’ve put together these awesome facts all about these cool dogs! Find out where they come from, why they’re so small, and who thought they were sacred! And if you loved these, why not check out these fun Hamster Facts? Or if you’re looking for some more mythical info, take a look at these gruesome Gargoyle Facts! Or you might like these delightful Dog Facts!
1. They Are From Mexico

Chihuahuas originally come from Mexico in North America. They’ve been around for hundreds of years, and Christopher Columbus even recorded seeing them!
2. They Are Named After a State

The state of…Chihuahua! What a surprise! This is probably because this is where they were first bred.
3.They’ve Been Around For 100s of Years

Chihuahuas date back hundreds of years – Columbus met them in the 16th century, and the Mayans and Aztecs bred them. They were first introduced as a show dog breed at the beginning of the 20th century.
4. They Are One Of The Smallest Breeds of Dog

Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs around, so small that at one point there was a rumour that they were cross bred with rodents! Most Chihuahuas don’t weigh more than about 3kg, and are only about 9 inches tall!
5. They Became Popular in the 19th Century

During the 19th century, a fashion for lapdogs – dog that were there just to sit on your lap and be petted – and so lots of chihuahuas started appearing, often being bred with other small dogs.
6. They Can Live For Up To 20 Years

Most Chihuahuas don’t live as long as that, they usually live about 12-15 years, but they have been know to live for up to twenty years!
7. Some of Them Are Famous

Chihuahuas are a popular pet for the rich and famous, and are often seen as a status symbol. As well as this, they also appear in film and tv, like Elle Woods dog Bruiser in Legally Blonde, and the Beverly Hills Chihuahuas!
8. They Can Have Health Problems

Like many dog breeds, Chihuahuas often suffer from health problems due to their limited gene pool. These include eye problems, joint issues and heart problems.
9. They Are Very Clever

They may look small and silly, but Chihuahuas are very smart! They are also super loyal and can be quick to defend their owners, which is why you might see them yapping at people!
10. They Don’t Like the Cold

Chihuahuas were originally bred in hot climates, and so they don’t do well in the cold! Most people who own chihuahuas make sure to put them in a jumper in cold weather, and limit their time in the snow.
11. They Are All Born With Floppy Ears

Chihuahua’s are all born with floppy ears – as they get older, their ears will start to stand up, and if they haven’t after about six months, they will probably stay floppy!
12. White Chihuahuas Are The Rarest Ones

There are loads of different types of chihuahuas with dozens of different colourings, but pure white ones are the rarest of all!
13. The Aztecs Believed They Had Powers

The Aztecs considered Chihuahuas to be sacred and would often keep them as pets, pampering them and giving them special treatment. They were often buried with their owners after death!
14. Chihuahuas Have Been Kidnapped by Other Animals!

Because chihuahuas are so small and light, they’ve been known to get kidnapped by bigger animals like eagles and hawks, so watch out!
15. They Might Be Descended From Techichi Dogs

The techichi dog was an ancient dog breed in Mexico and is probably where chihuahuas originated from! They looked very similar, but were slightly bigger.