15 Michael Rosen Facts. Noice.
Read this list to find out more about Michael Rosen - one of Britain's weirdest geniuses and a legend of children's literature!
Michael Rosen has written a LOT of books, and has helped shape the way kids read. He's a born entertainer that cares about the world - and for going on 50 years he has brightened kids' lives with his hilarious blend of comedy, nonsense and very important serious issues. He can make you laugh, cry, and even crumple up your eyebrows in confusion! So read on to find out why Michael Rosen is such a legend!
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Ok, let's get back to Michael Rosen!
1. He's a much loved weirdo

Michael Rosen is famous for writing poems and books that make you laugh, cry, or shrug and say "whaaaat?". He is a genius, but one that isn't afraid to pull funny faces or come out with things other people think is just... weird! But he's a very successful writer, so how did he end up here? Let's find out more about his life!
2. He comes from a smart family

Michael Rosen was born in 1946, in Harrow, England. His parents were Connie Isakofsky and Harold Rosen, who were European Jews who fled to the UK during WW2. They were very smart people who got Michael enthusiastic about learning from an early age. They had other effects on him too, which we'll get to soon!
3. He did well at school

Michael went to state school in Harrow, and did really well despite getting meningitis. He went on to study literature at Oxford University, and got his masters from Reading University. After uni he got a job at Oxford University Press, where he learned even more about the process of writing books.
4. Mind Your Own Business

Mind Your Own Business was Michael's first book, and it was a collection of poems published in 1974. It was illustrated by legendary artist Quentin Blake and it showed the world was Michael's unique style was like. The book was a hit, and it was followed by lots more! Lots more!
5. He has written a LOT of books

Michael Rosen has written LOADS of books - over 140! Nobody else writes like he does, and he can be funny, sad, thought-provoking or just plain silly. In fact, some of his best work is when he mixes all of those feelings together. He can write for children or adults, and has won prizes and had great successes from doing both! Let's look at some of his books.
6. The Sad Book

The Sad Book is a very important children's book. He wrote it after the death of his son, Eddie, who died very suddenly after an illness. In the Sad Book he talks about feelings, and how complicated they can be. It's a very brave book because it talks about how natural it is to feel sad - something that everyone needs to learn but isn't often talked about in kids books.
7. We're Going On A Bear Hunt

This might be one of Michael's most famous books, and it won him lots of awards. As well as being a great kids book, it also won a Guinness World Record for the world's biggest reading lesson! The record was for a book-reading attended by 1,500 children, and an additional 30,000 listeners online, in 2014.
8. Children's Laureate

Rosen was awarded the title of Children's Poet Laureate in 2007. The title recognised his work for children's literature, and he took over from Jacqueline Wilson. Rosen has had a huge influence on children’s literature, both through his own works and his advocacy for children’s literacy.
9. He worked for the BBC

Like his mum, Michael Rosen got a job at the BBC. He has presented shows, recited his poems on the radio, and been interviewed on countless TV programmes. He's a very funny man to watch, so his TV appearances are always a hit. But even better than the UK's national broadcaster, he's also been on...
10. Youtube Poops!

Michael started uploading videos of himself reading his poems on Youtube, for everyone to watch. Because he's such a funny performer, it didn't long before Youtubers started making Youtube Poops of him - or just silly edited mashup videos of him saying daft stuff or pulling funny faces. Some might be annoyed at this, but Michael loves them! He reckons there are "over 4,000" of them online!
11. He's won lots of awards

If being the star of 4000 Youtube Poops wasn't an honour enough, Michael Rosen has also been given lots of prizes and awards for his long career writing poems. He has won the Eleanor Farjeon Award and the Fred Award, and many many others.
12. He loves languages

Michael Rosen is fascinated by languages - because it's through language that poetry and stories are told. His native tongue is English, but he has studied other languages too, like French and Swedish. He is also very interested in how English has changed over the centuries!
13. He got very ill with covid

Like lots of peope during the pandemic, Michael Rosen caught covid. He was very ill from it, and almost died. He went to intensive care ad managed to pull through, thanks to the excellent work of the NHS hospital staff. He was inspired by their hard work and his experiences matched his political beliefs, which we'll talk about next.
14. He's well known for his politics

Unlike some writers, he doesn't hide the fact that he has political opinions. His parents were both communists, and Michael has supported socialist causes throughout his life. He has always spoken up for the underdogs in society, and loves to criticise the government. He is a legend and well-known figure in the UK for his outspoken opinions on things!
15. He's fighting the good fight

Michael Rosen cares a lot about education, about helping children live happier lives, and about trying to make the world a better place. He does this in his own way, by telling stories, cracking jokes and asking questions. He thinks it's the job of the poet to push people to think differently - and if we want to make the world better we all need to start thinking differently. Good work, Michael!