15 Warrior Cat Facts To Get Your Claws Into
These facts all about the Warrior Cats books are pur-fect for fans! Check them out and see which ones you didn’t know! Are you a true fan of the clans?
Warrior Cats! How much do you know about them and their stories? The Warrior Cats series is a huge collection of books all about the feral cats and their clans – but are you their biggest fan? We’ve put together 15 amazing facts about this cool book series that only the biggest Warrior Cats fans will already know! Find out who writes the books, where the inspiration comes from, and the other Warrior Cats media you can enjoy! And if you liked these, check out more book facts here! How about these incredible Jaqueline Wilson facts? Or what about these awesome Alice Oseman facts? And if you’re in need of more cats, we’ve also got these black cat facts!
1. It’s Written by More Than One Person

Despite having the name ‘Erin Hunter’ on the cover, the Warrior Cats books are actually written by several people! The main authors are Victoria Holmes, Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Clarissa Hutton, Inbali Iserles, Tui T. Sutherland, and Rosie Best!
2. The Cats Live in Clans

One of the biggest parts of the books is that the wild cat characters live in different clans. Each clan has a different name and theme. There’s Thunderclan, Riverclan, Skyclan, Shadowclan, Windclan and Stormclan, amongst others! Each clan prides itself on certain attributes – the Skyclan, for example, can jump great heights and fight from the treetops. Which clan would you belong to?
3. There Are Over 70 Books in the Series!

That’s right, there’s over 70 books in total, and counting! This includes 8 different subsets of books, as well as novellas, stand alone books, guide books, and graphic novels! Phew! Which ones will you read first?
4. It Has a Big Fan Community

Fans LOVE the Warrior Cats! As well as having its own wiki page, life long fans of the book are in the millions! The official Warrior Cats webpage also has a section just for fanart, if you ever wanted to submit your stuff to be seen!
5. There are Over 1,000 Characters!

With over 1,000 characters, the Warrior Cats series is a super big world! That’s 1,000 NAMED characters too, and each name has a special meaning. A cat born into a clan will be given a name by its mother, and then an additional name depending on rank. Cats are named after stars, plants, nature, times and colours.
6. It’s Inspired By Real World Locations

Although the Warrior Cat books are set in a different world to ours, several real world locations inspired the authors. These include the New Forest and the forest of Dean in England, and Loch Lomond and the Scottish Highlands. Each of these locations has an ancient, almost magical feel to it, so its no wonder they inspired the books!
7. It’s 20 Years Old!

The very first Warrior Cats book came out way back in 2003! It was called Into the Wild, and it’s all about a house cat named Rusty joining a clan of feral cats, the Thunderclan. The book deals with themes like family, loyalty and friendship, and was quickly followed by a sequel, Fire and Ice.
8. It Also Has Its Own Manga

The Warrior Cats is also a manga, 15 of them in fact! As well as three standalone stories, there are also several series about characters like Greystripe, Tigerstar, Sasha and Ravenpaw!
9. There Might Be A Film In Future

Rumours and whispers have long circulated that the Warrior Cats series may become a film, including an animation! At the moment, its not quite clear what’s going to happen next, but there’s definitely enough demand out there for a motion picture!
10. And There Is a Roblox

If you can’t wait for a film to be made, you CAN play a Roblox version of the Warrior Cats! It’s an official version of Warrior Cats, where players can create their own cat and story to explore the forest and its clans!
11. Each Clan Follows a Special Warrior Code

The clans of Warrior Cats take this code very seriously…it’s a list of 16 rules that they must all obey, and is taught from birth. Some of the rules of the code include defending your clan, even with your life, do not trespass, and to reject the life of a kittypet (House cat).
12. The Original Author Wanted to Write About Dogs

The original author of the first book, Victoria Holmes, actually didn’t want to write about cats! She related much more to dogs, and had a hard time imagining the world of the Warrior Cats. However, once she began to incorporate themes of war, love and family, she realised how much potential the series had!
13. Erin Hunter is a Significant Name

Although Erin Hunter isn’t a real person, the name does have significance! The last name ‘Hunter’ was chosen specifically so that the book would be next to Brian Jacques Redwall series alphabetically in libraries! The Redwall books also deal with a fantasy world of fighting animals, and so the publishers knew its readers were bound to like the Warrior Cats!
14. The Series Invented Brand New Words

The words used by the cats in the books are almost their own language! Dozens of words and phrases have been invented for the books to show how the cats communicate, including ‘greenleaf’ (summer) ‘catspeak’ (human talk) ‘kittypet’ (a house cat) and ‘thunderpath’ (road).
15. Warrior Cats Has Sold Over 30 Million Copies

Since the publication of the first book, Warrior Cats has gone on to sell millions worldwide! It’s also been translated into dozens of difference languages and been nominated for several awards, including being nominated for the Young Reader’s Choice Awards!