15 Ssundee Facts For Hardcore Gamers
Click here for everything you will ever need to know about legendary gamer and Youtube star, Ssundee! Don’t believe us? Let’s find out!
Ssundee is one of the biggest names in gaming! He’s racked up millions of followers on his Youtube channel, and has got a name for himself with his hilarious style of shouty, funny, sarcastic gaming vids. Do you think you know everything there is to know about him already? Well give this list of facts a try! You might be surprised!
For more epic gaming content check out these Among Us facts, these Minecraft facts, or even these Fortnite facts that you absolutely need to know!
1. He’s a big deal!

Ssundee has LOTS of subscribers from all over the world! When we wrote this list, he had 24 MILLION subscribers! Because he’s growing in popularity so fast, by the time you read this it’ll probably be a lot more than that! Or… if something has gone wrong, maybe less! Eeek!
2. He’s a big gamer

Ssundee is obsessed with gaming! It’s not just his career, but his favourite hobby and his childhood passion. You can see that in the way he presents his videos – you can tell that ganing is something he really cares about, even if it makes him shout and rage every now and again!
3. He plays all kinds of games

Ssundee got a lot of exposure from his Minecraft videos – but he lobes playing all kinds of games! He’s a big fan of Fortnite, Among Us, Roblox – and he also loves trying out smaller, independent games if they look fun. He’s made videos about all kinds of games over the years, which makes him popular with all kinds of viewers.
4. He’s making videos for over 10 years

Like any normal person Ssundee has gone through different phases in his life (we’ll mention some of them later!). But he first started making videos for Youtube all the way back in 2010! Since then he’s kept the Ssundee name going, and is still doing what he does best!
5. He makes lots of different types of videos

Ssundee is up for most things, really! He’s made videos about all kinds of games, in lots of sifferent styles. He’s made myth busting videos, pranks, reviews, compilations, vlogs, and just him chatting about stuff to the camera. Whatever it is that makes him popular isn’t just about the type of video he makes, but how he does it!
6. He’s from Michigan, USA

Ssundee’s real name is Ian Stapleton and he grew up in Michigan in the USA, the home of the great lakes and cities like Detroit and Lansing. Ian / Ssundee has Irish heritage, with a bit of African thrown in if you go back far enough!
7. He’s lived all over the USA

Michigan is is in the upper Midwest, and borders Canada. But during his life Ssundee has moved all over the United States! At the age of 8, he moved to Louisiana, and age 16 he moved to Virginia. 2 years later he moved to South Carolina and lived there for 11 years! He even lived in Canada for a bit!
8. He was in the Air Force!

Before 2013, he joined the US Air Force! He did a brief stint in Iraq, but soon found that army life wasn’t for him. So rather than work his way up to General Ssundee, he decided to leave the military and focus on his true calling – being a Youtuber! Good choice!
9. He’s friends with Crainer

Ssundee is pals with Crainer – a Youtuber that we’ve written plenty of quizzes and fact lists about here at Beano. The two have even made a bunch of videos together, and their sense of humour and loud, (slightly) shouty style is a perfect fit for each other!
10. Derp Ssundee

Derp Ssundee is one of Ssundee’s aliases, and it’s the channel he uses to make his sillier, dafter content. Derp Ssundee’s avatar is pretty similar to his regular one, but has eyes that point in different directions!
11. He’s a dad

Ssundee is a family man, and actually has a few kids now! He’s married and has even introduced his family to his viewers in some of his videos! In this pic you can see his kids Colton, Simeon and Gideon. His wife’s name is Madelyn!
12. He helps run a record label

As well as making videos full time, Ssundee also co-runs the record label Ninety9Lives, which is based in Arizona. The label makes royalty-free music for Youtubers to use in their videos, as well as making some dancey electronic-style tracks. He works on it with his friends Sam and Nate.
13. He’s got some phobias

Ssundee is pretty confident and knows how to handle himself when he’s gaming… but did you know he has two quite severe phobias? The first is agrophobia, which is the fear of wide open spaces. This can stop him giong out the house! The other phobis he has is thallasophobia – which is the fear of the sea.
14. Ssundee = Sunday

Ssundee might seem like a strange name, and it’s got quite a strange origin story too! It is based from a personal joke he made years and years ago about how older people say the word “Sunday”. It was funny at the time, and it just stuck! And he’s kept the same name for years and years now!
15. He MIGHT look like a celebrity

You may or may not have heard the rumours – but it’s a running joke on his channel that he looks a bit like the actor Andrew Lincoln. They both have a stubbly beard – but are they lookalikes? We’re not so sure. What do you think?