Top 10 Most Interesting Pokémon Fan Theories!
Prepare for knowledge, and times it by ten! Get ready to learn some mind-blowing fan theories about the Pokémon world!
The Pokémon universe is HUGE – we’re talking games, TV series, films, manga, and even a stage show! If you’re a huge fan you probably already know everything – but how well do you know the fan theories? Have you ever thought about who Ash’s dad really is? Or why there are so few humans in the world? Or how Pokéballs work? It’s time to find out! And don’t forget to check the rest of the site for more Pokémon fun! Find out which Pokémon you are, or find out what kind of secret base you’d build!
1. Is Ditto a Mew?
In the series it’s canonically true that Mew’s DNA was taken by scientists in an attempt to make a modified Mew clone. That’s how we got Mewtwo! But what if there was another clone that didn’t turn out as well? Some fans think that Ditto is that very clone, and that it was made right before Mewtwo. In fact, all Dittos are failed Mew clones! Ditto and Mew do have a few things in common – they’re both purplish, and in their shiny form they’re both a light blue colour. They also weigh the same amount, and they’re also the only Pokémon that can learn the move Transform. So, what do you think – is Ditto really a clone of Mew who came out extra blobby?
2. Do quantum physics apply in the Pokémon universe?
Okay, this one is technical! Quantum physics is a branch of physics that is very complex, but it’s basically studying energy and matter at atomic and sub-atomic levels. One fan who knew a lot about quantum mechanics suggested that Pokéballs use it to convert matter into energy, basically turning creatures into data and light for storage. There’s a LOT to it – but what do you think?
3. Is Wobbuffet just a tail?
Wobbuffet is a Psychic type Pokémon that evolves from Wynaut. It’s blobby and blue with a black tail with eyespots on it. Weirdly the eyes aren’t just decorative – they can blink and move. There are a couple of theories about this – some fans think that Wobbuffet actually evolves from Unown, and the tail is just part of its old body. Another (creepier?) theory is that the tail actually IS the Pokemon, and the rest of the body is a decoy. Some animal species DO have decoy body parts – could Wobbuffet be one?
4. Are humans an invasive species?
In nature an invasive species is a non-native animal or plant that can cause damage to native environments if it is introduced. A good UK example is grey squirrels – they’re cute, but they endanger native red squirrels by using up resources. Pokémon fans have proposed that, in the Pokémon world, humans might be the invasive species! What’s the evidence for this? Well, there are a LOT of Pokémon in the series, and they evolve super quick, and there are relatively few humans. Maybe humans invaded the planet at some point after the Earth became inhabitable for some reason? That would explain both the major physical differences between humans and Pokémon and the fact that there are less adults than kids in the series – they’d be more likely to send kids away from a dangerous environment.
5. Or are they ALSO Pokémon?
Or, we could look at a totally different theory – humans in the Pokémon universe are actually just another type of Pokémon? There are a lot less of them, so maybe they’ve been Pokémon all along? It would explain why there are multiple types of some human characters, like Nurse Joy. Then again, it would be pretty weird if some Pokémon could trap others – are humans just at the top of the hierarchy? A lot to think about there!
6. Maybe it’s a post-apocalyptic world?
Here’s the third theory about why the world of Pokémon is the way it is – it’s actually the future on Earth after some huge disaster, like a nuclear attack. A small number of humans survived and rebuilt society, and Pokémon are actually mutations of current animal species. A lot of them DO share the same physical traits as real animals!
7. Does Misty love Ash?
Fans have shipped Misty and Ash for a long time, but the series has never confirmed anything. But entertainment website ScreenRant proposes evidence that yes, they DO totally like each other – and the evidence can be found in the first Pokémon soundtrack album released for the English dub of the TV series. The album, Pokémon 2.B.A. Master, not only has WAY more bangers on it than it has any right to, but it also contains confirmation of Misty’s crush in track 11, “Misty’s Song.” The track starts with Ash wishing Misty goodnight, she replies “sweet dreams” – and then sings the sweetest love song ever, ending with “I love you!” Is this concrete evidence? Well, it’s exclusive to the English dub – but that doesn’t stop fans from believing it!
8. Is Ash’s dad Pikachu?
Ash doesn’t have a father in the series, though source material states that his father left to become a great Pokémon trainer. Naturally fans are very curious about what happened to him, and one theory is too weird to ignore! Some fans think that Ash’s father actually participated in an experiment to switch his mind to a Pokémon’s body, and that Pokémon was Pikachu. This theory comes from two places: firstly, in the manga series a scientist swaps minds with a Rattata; secondly, (SPOILERS) in the film Detective Pikachu, this basically happens to Harry’s father, whose consciousness is put into Pikachu to save his life. Could this be why Professor Oak gave Pikachu to Ash?
9. Is Ash’s dad Giovanni?
Another theory is that villain Giovanni might actually be Ash’s real father! It sounds weird but think about it! First of all, it would explain why Team Rocket are always in the same area as Ash – Giovanni wants them to keep an eye on him! Jessie and James are persistent, but they’ve never really hurt Ash, Pikachu or any of their friends. Another thing supporting this is the fact that Delia, Ash’s mum, used to date Giovanni! This info comes from a stage production called Pokémon Live! which ran from 2000 to 2001. Maybe she wasn’t quite telling the whole truth?
10. Jessie and James ARE a couple!
A popular fan theory for years was that Jessie and James were actually a couple all along. If you’ve seen anything they appear in, you can already see why people thought it – but the manga The Electric Tale of Pikachu confirmed it! In the epilogue of that story, Jessie and James get married and are expecting a baby. Some people say this doesn’t count because it doesn’t happen in the series – but what do you think?