15 Massive Oak Tree Facts!
Check out these tree-mendous facts about one of nature’s most amazing giants – the oak!
Trees are important. Very important. And of Earth’s 60,000 different species of tree, oaks are among the most well-loved. They’re big, majestic, very old, and are a place to live for countless other living things. So take a seat in the leaf litter and get ready to learn about these gigantic woody legends!
1. What kind of tree are they?

Oak trees are deciduous or evergreen trees that belong to a group of trees called the Quercus genus. There are about 500 species of oak trees around the world, and they grow in forests, up mountains, and even in cities! Some lose their leaves in autumn, while others stay green all year.
2. How old are oak trees?

Oak trees have been around for 56 million years. They evolved during a time when Earth was warmer, and dinosaurs had just gone extinct. This is known as the Cenozoic period – and we’re still in it now!
3. What was Earth like then?

4. What are acorns?

Acorns are the seeds of oak trees. Each one contains a tiny oak tree inside, waiting to grow! A single oak tree can produce thousands of acorns in its lifetime. Acorns are very nutritious, and many animals like to eat them.
5. How do you eat acorns?

Humans and animals have eaten acorns for thousands of years. They’re packed with nutrients. People used to grind them into flour to make bread and porridge. There’s a traditional Korean dish that’s made from acorn starch – it’s like a kind of acorn jelly!
6. Oak wood is amazing

Oak wood is strong, durable, and resistant to water. That’s why it’s been used for shipbuilding, barrels, and furniture for centuries. The famous battleship HMS Victory was built with oak wood. To this day it’s a very popular building material – you might even have some in your house right now!
7. The oldest oak tree is over 13,000 years old

The oldest known oak tree is the Jurupa Oak in California, which is over 13,000 years old! It’s a clonal tree, meaning it grows from the same root system over and over again.
8. There are some famous oaks in history

The Major Oak in England is said to be where Robin Hood and his Merry Men hid out. It’s about 1,000 years old and has a massive trunk and branches so large they need special supports to keep them from breaking!
9. Some oak trees are record breakers

The tallest oak tree is a California White Oak, reaching a height of about 40 metres —almost as tall as a 13-story building! The thickest oak tree is a Bowthorpe Oak in England, with a trunk circumference of over 12 metres, making it wide enough for a small room to fit inside.
10. Oak trees are a firm favourite in the animal kingdom

Many animals, like deer and squirrels, love oak leaves and acorns. Oak trees also provide homes for birds, insects, and fungi. Oaks are an important part of many ecosystems, and we still don’t know exactly what kinds of relationships they have with other kinds of life.
11. Oak trees produce flowers, too

Oak trees have flowers, but they’re not showy like roses or daisies. Male flowers hang down in clusters called catkins, and female flowers are tiny and hard to spot.
12. An oak gall wasp will lay its eggs on an oak tree

A tiny insect called an oak gall wasp lays its eggs on oak trees. The tree reacts by growing a round, nut-like structure called a gall, which protects the wasp larvae inside. It’s like a tiny bug house!
13. Oaks are mentioned in mythology

In ancient Greece, oak trees were sacred to Zeus, the king of the gods. People believed they could hear his voice in the rustling oak leaves.
14. Oak trees are very tough

Oak trees have strong roots that dig deep into the ground, making them very stable. Some can survive lightning strikes and fires! If you want to survive 1000 years or more, it pays to be tough!
15. How do oak trees help the planet?

Oak trees are great for the environment! They produce oxygen, filter air pollution, and provide shade for other plants and animals to hide in. As climate change continues, we will need more oaks and other types of trees to soak up the excess carbon dioxide that us humans are producing!