15 Portugal Facts That Will Astound You!
These 15 cool facts about Portugal are fascinating! Find out all about this awesome country with these 15 facts that will astound you!
Portugal is one of Europe’s coolest cities, and we’ve got 15 facts to prove it! From its ties to other countries around the world, to its delicious food, find out all about Portugal history, its culture and why they had a king that only lasted for 20 minutes! And if you liked these, check out more cool geography facts here! What about these amazing Japanese culture facts? Or how about some more cool geography facts? You might even like these epic Earth facts!
1. It’s On the Iberian Peninsula

Portugal is a country on the Iberian peninsula, a land mass in Europe that also includes Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar and part of France. It’s got a long coast and is famous for its beaches and surfing.
2. It Became a Country in the 12th Century

Portugal is one of the oldest countries in Europe, being officially defined in the 12th century, making it nearly 800 years old. It’s name comes from the fact that it was founded around the city of Porto. Originally, it was settled by Celtic and Iberian people, who came to be known as the Celtiberians. The Lusitanians were a tribe who had been present in Portugal since the iron age, and today we get the word ‘Lusophone’, meaning someone who speaks Portuguese, from them.
3. The Capital is Lisbon

Lisbon is the Capital of Portugal. It has a population of roughly half a million people, and is famous for its trams, its castle and its hills. In 1755 the city was struck by a huge earthquake, which caused fires, tidal waves and the deaths of over 12,000 people. Today there is still a museum all about it that you can visit in Lisbon.
4. It’s Home to the Iberian Lynx

One of the coolest animals in Portugal is the Iberian Lynx, a big cat that is now sadly endangered. They are distinguishable by their extra pointy ears and their big, flat paws, and they look a bit like mini leopards!
5. Lisbon is Older than Rome

Rome is famous for its rich history, but did you know that Lisbon is even older? Yup, it was founded around 1200 BC (that’s about 400 years before Rome) by a group called the Phoenicians, who were originally from the area in the Middle East around modern day Lebanon. Only Athens is older than Lisbon in Europe!
6. Ferdinand Magellan Was the First Person to Sail Round the World

Because of its position on the Western coast of Europe, Portugal soon became one of the biggest traders and exploring countries of Europe. This included colonising places like modern day Brazil in South America. The first recorded instance (that we know about) of someone circumnavigating the globe (that means going all the way round it) was Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1519. It took him 1,082 days!
7. One of Their Kings Only Lasted 20 Minutes

Today Portugal is a republic, but for hundreds of years it had a Royal family and lots of different Kings and Queens. This included Luis Felipe of Portugal (or Luís Filipe Maria Carlos Amélio Francisco Víctor Manuel António Lourenço Miguel Rafael Gabriel Gonzaga Xavier Francisco de Assis Bento to his friends), who in 1908, was techincally King of Portugal for twenty whole minutes after his father was assassinated while out on a carriage ride. Sadly, Luis was also in the carriage, and 20 minutes later, he died of his wounds.
8. It Has the World’s Oldest Book Store

If you’re a book lover you have to visit the Livraria Bertrand in Lisbon. Not only is it beautiful (and its got a cafe!), its also famous as the oldest known bookstore in the world! Livraria Bertrand was founded in 1732, and although its location has changed over the years, its been at its present site since 1773!
9. They Have Links All Over the World

The Portuguese, like many European nations, were famous throughout history for colonising other countries around the world. This includes Brazil, where more people speak Portuguese than in Portugal, Angola, Goa, Barbados and Mozambique. Portugal also had strong trade links with Japan, and today there are still some Japanese words and foods that have a Portuguese origin.
10. They Are Famous for the Pastel De Nata

In the world of food, Portugal is perhaps best known for its pastel de nata. These are custard pastries that are sold all over the country, and were originally created by monks at the Jerónimos Monastery. It’s also popular with former Portuguese colonies like Indonesia and trading partners like Japan.
11. Portugal is Famous for its Tiles

If you visit any city or town in Portugal, one of the first things you’ll probably notice is the beautiful and colourful tiles that cover the buildings. Portugal is famous for its tiles, which are called azulejos, and are originally from Middle Eastern and Moorish architecture. These tiles have been produced in Portugal since at 16th century, and often depict important historical or cultural events.
12. Their Symbol is the Rooster of Barcelos

That’s right, it’s the rooster from Nandos! This rooster comes from a Portuguese folk tale where it comes to life to save a man’s life! Today, this beautifully decorated rooster is a symbol of fairness and good luck, and is sold everywhere as souvenirs.
13. Their Traditional Singing is Called Fado

Fado is a particular style of music that is very popular in Portugal. It’s known for being very melancholy, and is often performed by a single singer and a guitarist. Fado literally means ‘fate’, and Fado songs are often about sad subjects such as everyday hardships. Today you can see it performed at concerts and in cafes and bars.
14. They Are Known For Cork

Portugal is one of the biggest producers of cork in the world! In fact, they produce more than 50% of it! That’s a lot of cork! Cork isn’t just for wine bottles – it can be used to make bags, shoes, notebooks, floor tiles -pretty much anything! The business of cork is very serious, you need a special permit to cut down a cork tree! But its also very sustainable, because you don’t have to cut down the tree to use it!
15. They Have One of the Most Popular Football Clubs In the World

Before any Man U fans get agitated, we mean that this football club, SL Benfica, has the most paid members – over 250,000, and 14 million supporters around the world! Bayern Munich overtook them as the most supported, but we’ll leave it to football fans to decide who’s the best!