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Love Lemmings? Then You'll REALLY Love Clone Ranger! Help Rubi's Robots Find Their Way Home Before They Go Bang!

Dennis made a mess in Rubi’s lab so naturally Rubi made some robots (from Dennis’s DNA) to clean it all up. Sounds like the perfect plan, right? Absolutely! That is until Dennis notices… well… these robots are a bit weird and maybe a little too tiny. Wait! Oh No! Gnash Gansh! Why are there so many? Rubi what’s going on?? The robots just keep being made and getting into all sorts of trouble. The lab is a dangerous place for tiny menacing robots! Some are getting zipped, trapped while others just fall to their doom. QUICK! Let’s gather them all up now and stop them all from exploding!

Using some resources from the lab we can get all these bots sorted and safe. We can give them commands to stop the rest of their botty friends in their tracks. We can give tiny jetpacks to the ones that keep walking off ledges like some kind of small, yellow-ish mammal. How do we get them down from some of these shelves? There are so many boxes in the way! Oh! That’s right! Rubi once again has just the gadget… Tiny Bombs. They can be used as small and controlled explosions that will clear a path for any bots up high. But what about- or- don’t worry, Rubi has so many gadgets we can use. We can get most… no all of the bots. We just need teamwork and our logic caps on!
Pick upgrades from the bottom of the screen and apply them to the bots. Prevent the bots from falling too far or getting electrocuted!

 – Use bombs to blow up boxes 💣
 – Use stop bots to block the way 🤖
 – Use jetpacks to make big falls safe 🚀
-Use the shovel to have the bots dig down ↕️
-Use the bricks to have the bots build up 🧱