Play Bird Line Math
Something’s not adding up with all these birds – could it be that they need your help to solve their maths problems?
There are a flock of birds coming to and from on these telephone wires, all carrying little wooden boards with numbers on them. Now, if you tap on the numbers to add them together, you can watch the birds fly away as they pop that number into their nest. The numbers will add up, too, so if you tap a 3 after a 7, the new number on the nest will be 10.
The goal of the game is to make sure that your tapped numbers add up to equal the number on the nest. So if the number on the nest is a 17, you’ll need to either tap a 7 next, or a 3 and a 4, to add up correctly. There’s no relation between the 5 colours of birds and the numbers they hold, but they’re cute to look at! Numbers can be bigger or smaller as birds come and go, but be aware of your time limit, as you have a countdown to contend with!
You have to get to the number exactly, so think before you click. There’s no subtraction or back tracking allowed here, so if you overshoot an click a 5 instead of a 3, and land on 19, that’s game over, and you’ll get kicked out of the nest. Make sure your sums equal the correct number, or else!
Don’t be a bird-brain, do some maths! If you can pass this challenge with flying colours, you’ll get to hang out with all of your fine-feathered friends!
Instructions 🕊️➕🌞
– Use your mouse (or touch-screen) to select birds
– Add the numbers together to get the exact result seen on their nest
– It’s GAME OVER if the number gets too high