Help Dennis Sneak His Way To Safety With This Problem-Solving, Book-Returning, Brain-Busting Beano Game!
😱📚 Your library books are overdue! Return them without being seen!
Sneak around the library and find the safest route passed Walter and Creecher. They are both on the hunt for kids with late library books and will stop at nothing to find you. Rumour has it they have heat seeking technology! Others say there’s motions sensors everywhere! Most people say however, there’s only so many places you can hide, but where’s the fun in that? Put on your spy gear, put all your points into stealth and take your chances and get those library books back without being caught. Needing some help? Phone a friend and they’ll be a distraction getting in the way or asking questions about books? Whatever it is they’re doing it might be just what you need to get past! Don’t worry if you get caught by Walter, you might have a chance to call Billy Whizz. He’s so fast he can turn back time!
Wait a second why can’t Billy Whizz just turn back time, so Dennis has more time or run them himself to the drop off point?
Well, that wouldn’t make for a very fun game now, would it?
SO, since Billy Whizz isn’t playing the whole game for you, you’ll have to think of a great escape plan. Using your great strategic plans and awesome patients to make it around the library.
This game is a challenging task for any one but with your help Dennis knows you’ll be able to keep him out of trouble. If you do get caught, don’t worry you can always retry. Keep on going and you’ll get Dennis and his library books put back in no time.
– Tap on the ground to choose your path. 👣
– Don’t run out of time ⏰
– Avoid Creecher and Walter. They’ll want to take you in! 🚨
– Call on your friends to help distract people. 🤙
– Busted? Call on Billy Whizz – he’s your one chance to rewind time! ⏪