32 Bee Jokes Which Are the Bee's Knees!
BEEn feeling bored? You'll bee buzzing after taking a look at our hive-load of funny bee jokes!
Beano's best black-and-yellow gags will get you humming with happiness!
And the laughs don't stop here! We've got a storming collection of animal jokes - from insect jokes to bird jokes, and much, much more in the Beano Joke Generator.
What do you call a bee who sells their own honey?
A bee-ness person!

What do you can a bee who lives in a computer?

Why did the bee go to the doctor?
It had hives!

What goes zzub zubb?
A bee in reverse!

What's black and yellow and is really clumsy?
A fumble-bee!

Where do bees go on their holidays?

What do bees eat for lunch?

What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind?
A maybe!

What's more impressive than a talking llama?
A spelling bee!

Why do bees stay in the hive in winter?

Why do bee keepers have such beautiful eyes?
Because beauty is in the eye of the beeholder!

What does a wasp say when it is having an identity crisis?
Too bee or not too bee?

Who writes books for little bees?
Bee-trix Potter!

What do you call a bee who is having a bad hair day?
A frizz-bee!

What did the bee say to the flower?
Hello honey!

How does a queen bee get around her throne?
She's throne!

Where do bees keep their money?
In a honey box!

Who is a bee's favourite singer?

What's the best part of a bee relationship?
The HONEYmoon period!

What do you get if you cross a bee with a doorbell?
A hum dinger!

What's a bee's favourite novel?
The Great Gats-bee!

What do you call bears without ears?

How did the Japanese sauce say hello to the bee?

What do you say if a swarm of bees come at you?
Buzz off and beeware!

What do you call a wasp?
A wanna-bee!

What do bees chew?
Bumble gum!

How do bees get to school?
On the school buzz!

Why did the bee get married?
He found his honey!

What can fly underwater?
A bee in a submarine!

Why did the bee hum?
It didn't know the words!

Why do bees have sticky hair?
Because they use honeycombs!

What insects are always complaining?
Grumble bees!