22 Llama Jokes That Are In A Field Of Their Own
We've got so many ludicrously laughable llama jokes... we can't wait to spit them out!
Finished grazing on these giggle-worthy jokes? Check out some silly sheep jokes, comical cow jokes or even chuckle at some chicken jokes!
What happened when the llama looked in the mirror?
It saw a spitting image!

What did the llama say when he was invited on his first camping trip?
Alpaca tent

Why don’t llamas like singing with backing music?
They prefer to sing alpacapella!

Who’s a llama’s favourite U.S. president?
Barack Ollama!

What do llamas always say after yoga class?

What did the llama say when he found out he had been robbed?
I've been fleeced!

What do llamas call the end of the world?

Who’s a llama’s favourite actor?
Al Pacacino!

What do llamas say once you have thanked them?
No probllama!

What do llamas always say when they introduce themselves?
Fleeced to meet you!

What’s a llama’s favourite drink?

What did the llama say when the other llama asked if they wanted to go on holiday?
Alpaca my bags!

Did you hear about the woman who moved to Peru?
She's such a llama queen!

How do zoo keepers wake the animals in the morning?
They set their allamas!

What do you call a stampeding herd of llamas?
The alpacalypse!

Who's a llama's favourite rapper?
Kendrick llama!

Why weren't the llamas getting along?
Llama drama!

What did the llama say to the blade of grass?
Nice gnawing you!

What do you call a very fast llama?
A llamagini!

What do you get if you stand between two llamas?

Who's a llama's favourite singer?
Llama Del Ray!

What's more impressive than a talking llama?
A spelling bee!

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